acasa, in corpul tau
programe educationale si de suport pentru reglarea sistemului nervos, stabilizarea starii de bine si adjuvant in procesarea psihotraumelor
programe disponibile din Feb 2022
trauma-suport yoga
stres & anxietate
somn & sistem nervos
clase de respiratie
yoga workshops & journeys
3 h yoga workshops & 1-3 days yoga journeys are exclusively in english
*starting 7th of december 2021
Effortless Happiness Workshops
After Covid's craziness we all feel that our world has changed. The rules of the game are different now. We shifted to a new reality without fully understanding it. So now, all over the world, people struggle in fields that were comfortable before 2020. People put a lot of effort all the time. People feel they do not understand foundations that were clear once. People pursue happiness without knowing how to navigate to it. This is exhausting.
But happiness is here, available to all and effort is unnecessary. Women, for generations, carry ancient knowledge and are masters of a secret balance. Women are the healers of this world. You forgot. You were misled. You got interrupted by all the noise around you.
In these workshops we offer a reminder, a door, to everything, it is already inside of you. By unique enlightening teachings and exercises, combining methods and knowledge, in an open-heart approach, we will meet in a new level of awareness.
The Effortless Happiness Workshops are offered in 3 options format.
Effortless Happiness Journey
3-5 day of full body-mind-soul treatment
​In this journey, step by step, we dive inside. Each woman will be introduced to herself in new perspectives and will learn useful information about life, relationships and self. Questions of definitions, purpose, awareness and love - will rise and be answered. It is a very powerful and comforting journey that requires a warm and peaceful space, meals are optional.
Structure: 5 hours of Morning meditations, yoga sessions and teachings, 3 hours of evening activities.
Effortless Happiness Day
full day
It is an invitation to reconnect to all the parts of you, to acknowledge truth, to choose paths and to be the leader of you. How? It will begin on that day
Structure: Morning meditation, restorative morning yoga session, class of queens (teachings), lunch and short free time, movement afternoon session, evening activities.
Effortless Happiness Workshop
3 hours of nourishment
A wise man once said "A woman's touch can end wars". How come and why women particularly? In the matter of ending wars, inner conflicts and outer, there's an art that is natural and forgotten. In 3 hours there will be a constant wake up call for each woman in the room.
Structure: Meditation, soft yoga session and teachings.
3 h workshops
our most favourite themes
A well known and challenging Zen question is "who am i?"
Yoga, Buddhism and Kabala offer perspectives and answers, which can lead one to a more accurate sense of existence, purpose and happiness.
Structure: Meditation, soft yoga session and teachings.
Healthy & Happy
In order to bring health and happiness, peace in body and mind – I teach worldwide this workshop, in which you will meet the approach of Natural health, the Rambam's insights and Hasidic Torah's perspective on illness and health, physically and mentally. This can truly change your life and your groceries shopping list
Structure: Meditation, soft yoga session and teachings.
Goddesses dance
It is a powerful, deep and fun movement workshop. It is an experience of reconnection with the body first, and then with inner pieces that were forgotten, abilities, knowledge and needs. Instructions are given constantly, combining yoga, chi-gong, and dancing methods.
Structure: Meditation, soft yoga session and teachings.
your teacher
Sharon Hila Stern
She is an inspiring woman, a life mentor and senior yoga teacher, from Israel. Has studied and deepened in the ancient and wonderful wisdoms of Yoga, mindfulness, Kabala, Buddhism, and more. Teaches worldwide and work with many people everywhere. "I walk my talk, as all life experiences have brought me to explore this knowledge and tools. I am grateful and happy for every opportunity to pass on all the gifts, they belong to us all." (